Saturday, December 5, 2009

Truama center: under the gums =O

Oh wow, another trip to the dentist yesterday. Was at 8am...wth!?!?! why so early? dun exactly know but yeh.

Started with some friendly conversation with the dentist, cant exactly remember what it was before proceeding to the scratching all the crap out of my teeth. Sad thing is that they don't have proper mouth rinse area. So I had to keep my mouth opened the entire time :/

The dentist later pulled out the "ultrasonic cleaner", or that's what she claimed it was. I was kinda laughing to myself..."isnt supersonic good enough? whats with ultra? ultraman!!"

during the dental thing...i was thinking of a new game. you know, Truama Centre: under the gums =O (as oppsosed to truama centre: under the knife) probably become a big hit. Instead of being a surgeon, you get to control a dentist...

Dr Stiles: Lets begin the operation -> Lets begin the cleaning

Nurse Angie: Dr Stiles, Please use the scalpel -> Dr Stiles, please use the (whatever that sharp thing that dentist use

Nurse Angie: Dr stiles!! Please use the drain to remove the blood before proceeding -> Dr Stiles

Please drain the silava before preceeding =O


after the cleaning was done, i got my teeth checked by some other person
he was wearing some cool microbinoculas thing =O
Carl Siess Germany. Oh wow, something not made in china =O
i wish i had one of them :/

and oh
nearly forgot bout the fluoride treatment. This time i had some mouth guard that i had to put on. Vanilla flavour. MMmmmm. Was going to ask "this taste pretty good. Can i swallow it?" but then a part of me told me not to say such stupid stuff." *sigh*. miss being a kid...

anyhoo..thats it really

nothing much part from that

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